How To Create and Lead Future Growth and Value Through Innovation

The KeyNote/Workshop Preamble

Creativity provides senior management with a unique tool to tap into a massive organisational resource. Learning to leverage the creativity of every individual in the business, regardless of their level, creates the culture and the sustainable competitive advantage every business is striving for.

To obtain that leverage, training in creativity focuses on two elements - developing and embedding a culture of innovation and the leadership skills and capabilities required to knowledgeably facilitate and drive the organization's collective creativity.

An organization. whose leaders and managers have developed skills in these domains is ideally situated for the rapidly changing markets and business models that define the 21st Century.

The Key Note/Workshop Oultine

Experience Dr Kerle’s complete innovation methodology in a combined half day interactive key note and workshop presentation, understand how it works and how it can be applied to turn an organization from a business as usual organization into a highly agile and adaptive 21st Century market leading creative thinking organization.


  • The insight into how to build a culture of innovation 
  • Understanding the differences between business as usual and a creative thinking organization
  • The identification and experience of how an organization’s creative flow works
  • The ability to be able to meaningfully and successfully engage, empower and lead an innovation team


The Workshop Programme

Developing Individual Creative Capabilities

Creativity can be defined in many ways - the ability to solve problems creatively; generate new ideas or come up with new uses for current ideas and processes; the birth of the new etc. Creativity though is acknowledged through perception and it is subjective. The genesis of creativity is an individual act. Nevertheless, we recognize intuitively and collectively when "something" emerges we can call "creative".

To develop this awareness, questions around how you perceive your own creativity, how you recognise creativity in others, how you and others reflect on creativity are the prime elements of exploration in this session to start you on the path of understanding how you work and lead creatively.

Tapping Into The Creative Flow of the Organization

By comparing the difference between a business-as-usual organization and a creative thinking one, you identify the element that makes an organization creative - the creative flow in the organization.

Using the principles of creative flow, you and your peers design a new product or service and then reflect on how the process worked and how it can be applied in your organization to transform the organization into an agile and highly adaptive 21st Century innovative operation.

Understanding the Behavioural Styles of the Innovation Leader

What sort of innovator are you?  A Clarifier; an Ideator; a Developer; an Implementer - some combination of the above.

The innovation behaviours of organization leaders either impede or facilitate organizational creativity and by understanding the thinking preferences that influence your creative behaviour, you can understand your creative strength and weaknesses when you face challenges that call for creative solutions.

Teams are made up of individuals who have different creative thinking styles. If members of a team recognize each other's thinking styles and preferences then the teams are able to work creatively more effectively and efficiently.

A team that accommodates each other's creative thinking styles is an aligned team, more capable of making regular creative breakthroughs. Unbalanced teams with dominance of a particular creative thinking style can badly impede innovation.

You are introduced to behavioural models of creative thinking and through the Foursight creative thinking preference diagnostic. You discover your own creative leadership style and explore how it works through a real life simulation.

To obtain more information..


Dr Ralph Kerle's Events

KeyNote Presentations

Ralph offers Key Note Presentations around specific creativity and innovation themes on a regular basis. 

Click here and provide Dr Kerle with a brief for your event

Organizational Programmes

Ralph works to fit your organizational needs and offers a range of training programmes around different aspects of creative leadership and organizational creativity.

Here is a short video of Dr Kerle leadership and innovation programme

Engage Dr Kerle for Your Leadership and Innovation Programme